Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pro And Con On Legalize Sale Of Human Organ

Breviary of the vanquished

"Do I have to give thanks to the reason why I am still and find my way in world affairs? Perhaps it too. But in the end. Do men? What appearances? Neither others have been present when this was not . I always helped after.

But uprooting the world when penetrating the Latin Quarter and you were with your exile in tow among many Ahasverus, dragged them out where does the strength to endure the bloody heart easements and the hum of solitude in a fog dreamer of the boulevards? Has been on the Boulevard Saint-Michel a foreigner more You and the alien that any bitch or a beggar you more enjoyment has been sucked her cheap perfume?

"Just as outsiders Hispanic, African or Asian decadent Rome savoring the twilight of culture in the confusion of the systems and religions, and devoid of ideals, rejoice at the doubts of the City, and you wander , disappointed, during the twilight of the City of Light [...].

"The streets breathe the air vacuum aurora sunset and you make up or not want to recognize that you also participate in the decline of the city. And then you rise, by an act of will, above it. And you want save. Who or what can help in the City?

"Nothing, nothing helped me. And had it not been for my long reach of Concerto for Two Violins by Bach, how often would not have ended? I owe him being yet. In the immense gravity painful and I swung out of the earth, heaven, senses, thoughts, all down to me and comforts, as if by magic, was once again drunk with gratitude. Why? For everything and anything. Because in that long is a tenderness for all, hence the estremecimento reaches its perfection within perfection of nothingness.

"No book I held in the area of \u200b\u200bteaching, I kept no belief, no memory strengthened me. And when the houses were lost in blue haze, when northern and desert, the Luxembourg in mid-winter swim in the frost and damp moldy bones and thoughts away from this, I was enthralled in the middle of the city. Then I rushed to the anguish source of consolation and disappeared and revived in the arms of noise absence. "

EM Cioran

- EM Cioran: Breviary of the vanquished. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTusquets, 1993. Translated from Romanian by JoaquĆ­n Garrigues.


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