Saturday, November 21, 2009

Blonde Chunks On Brown Hair

"A book which, after having demolished all, it destroys itself us Exasperated be in vain. "

Syllogisms of bitterness

EM Cioran.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

French Encouragement Phrases

"The universe unfortunate." Interview with José Ignacio Najera by William da Costa

One day, an unknown (to me) José Ignacio Najera wrote me an email in which I was invited, after referring to my postal address to receive a gift "the book that you have not read about Cioran '. Prompted by curiosity, and then send my data, I get (in record time!) The work. It was unfortunate The universe. Letter to Cioran (Murcia: Three Frontiers, 2008).

transcribe the profile of its author, Joseph I. Najera, as contained in the book's jacket:
"Born in Chefchaouen (Morocco) in 1951 and lives in Murcia since 1979. He holds a PhD in philosophy and professor of that subject in the Alfonso X the Wise Institute of that city. He has published novels Forget Alcibiades, older brothers and The epistemological sick. In 2005 he won the essay "Miguel Espinosa" with the work Fall Road. He has worked in several magazines with articles, reviews and short stories. "

The ill-fated book The universe is a vast posthumous letter to Cioran, a text that honors but que también, en ocasiones, recrimina a Cioran. Osado, en este sentido, y no solo en la denuncia de lo más obvio (como en el capítulo que Nájera titula «El fascio», en relación a la tan cacareada y malinterpretada etapa «fascista» de Cioran, que sin embargo Nájera trata sin prejuicios y con tino); también en cuestiones más sutiles, como cuando, en el apartado titulado «Místicos», Nájera objeta a Cioran que ligue tan estrechamente a España el «mundo de la emoción pura»: «Pero, recuerde -escribe Nájera-, cualquier comentario sobre un pueblo inevitablemente recae en el tópico».

Ignacio Najera confesses that reading Cioran has much meaning in his life. And it shows. To my knowledge, except Savater, now no one knows more and better in Spain on Cioran that Nájera.

... So, as I read his wonderful book, I suggested a brief interview to appear on the web. Gratefully accepted.
The first issue is answered in your book (at least in part), but to get in history, why Cioran?

matter of chance that led me to the first news on Cioran could argue other causes. Then I suspected that his Breviary rot, which was the first thing about him was published in Spain, congenial to the ideas that time I had about life, existence, reality, religion, etc. Generally less positive ideas and rather nihilistic. In fact, keeping the distance, was the meeting of two souls disappointed. "Disappointed in what? Of a Christian past safely. Two God we had died and were recovering from that. On the other hand, this was the state of affairs of the last two centuries, the destruction of the foundations of the past two millennia. In that sense, Cioran was not new, was a follower more. Both Cioran and I belonged to the already wide brotherhood. Him in Paris, I in my humble province.

This is compounded Cioran style. Bello, precise, powerfully agoníaco. Fragmented and ironic. It was a pleasure to read, was like her beautiful barrage against everything and everyone. Then I met a lot of its persistent aggression against everything decent and uplifting everything. It was sort of the Vicariate of most of my scores. And so at twenty-two I settled on Cioran. Only very occasionally I take my vacation.

when he saw the impression that Cioran was in Spain ("Spain is the only country I want. I have a passion for Spain. I love the genius failed in Spain" Alina Diaconu confessed in 1985), I suspect that idealized our country and formed a quixotic idea of \u200b\u200bSpain to the extent of his obsessions ... In reading your book I had the feeling that you share with me some of this suspicion. In what way do you think of committing sin Cioran clichés about Spain?

Yes, Cioran was created and then left Spain to find her. By the way, came little here, but read a lot about it and about us.

The Spain which was created by both bookish. More arrested in Austria in the Bourbons. More by Teresa of Jesus in La Celestina or Quevedo. The mystique was very interested, the Inquisition less. Unamuno, Ortega and María Zambrano, and a few others. Just read widely. Never, I think, spoke of Franco (perhaps it reminded him of his past fascism). The most advantage was our sense of decadence, nostalgia for our past, our notion of failure, our warmongering beggar ... What I liked the other in itself, and vice versa. All this is good, so we were-and still are, "but we can not be reduced that. Perhaps we think that Cioran was very familiar with that discipline, but rather biased beautiful, which was called "psychology of peoples" and that was fashionable in the early twentieth . Something similar did with Russia and the Jewish people. The most valuable of these portraits is-again-its literary beauty. So that sometimes no matter their level of falsehood or distortion.

devotes a chapter to Cioran's relationship with Nietzsche. Does it seem legitimate and sensible Susan Sontag's assertion when he writes that "Nietzsche [...] made almost a century ago established Cioran whole position "?

Nietzsche, as everyone knows, is a necessary step that must be traveled. We all have our Nietzsche. And also Cioran. The Cioran's Nietzsche is undoubtedly critical and self-critical, in all the proposals. Superman seems like a bad joke, but a delusion of solo airs of a preacher. What Cioran not forgive is that Nietzsche wanted to create parish, much to the German boasted otherwise.

Of course, Nietzsche is far superior to Cioran. This is another in many things, almost everywhere. Nietzsche, however, is very singular, while going for a century and we live in its shadow against shadow, despite his shadow, etc. So Susan Sontag was right: the weary nihilism or liability Cioran and Nietzsche attended. "The sun sank," "cleared the horizon," "the sea is empty," "there is no up or down ...." We are left alone, and we are sad, helpless, melancholy, prostrate, tired, in a word. Here are some Nietzsche (the pre-propositional) and all Cioran in full. That's the big difference. In the end, Nietzsche was able to draw non-destructive consequences of the death of God, Cioran has not stopped dancing around the dead elegiacally. He has not done anything, either in literature or in life. Yes, it should be noted that this nihilism could be traced without fear of Schopenhauer, and perhaps others before him, and others .... It is so human.

seems that in his youth Cioran was a bit manic-depressive. The manic phase used in enhancing the clarity that he brought his melancholy. Vitaminize much sadness and despair .

Another chapter is devoted to women, but his partner, Simone Boué, just if the quotes in the book. In your opinion, what was your role in life and work of Cioran?

news I was very late for this Simone Boué. In fact, very little has appeared in the writing of Cioran (in their notebooks something.) From what I understand, was the person who has maintained throughout his life. She was a teacher of languages-English, in schools and that they lived. A fairly modest and austere life of both since 1942, no less. Cioran, in this sense it was a pimp as Savater said recently. Of course, what else would be! Aspired to live without work and go to got it. He kept his Simone, and I suppose that with pleasure. To make matters worse, Simone spent her typewriter. Nobody has to make a bad relationship between them, have in fact lived more than 50 years together. In the end, poor Simone drowned on the beach several years after the death of Cioran. A suspected drowning, no doubt. As it had been erased his horizon.

function Cioran Simone in their daily lives, it's hard to imagine since I have not met personally, and I only know details and anecdotes of others and in any interview after the death Simone Cioran. But yes I have called attention to the few writings that Cioran has been devoted to married life, and I suppose, by extension, yours. He was saying that did not quite understand why a woman decides to join, perhaps for life-a man. At the base I think we should remember the anthropology of disaster that supports their thinking. If man is a nightmare that biology has given us what looks here to join another human, whether male or female?

Consequently, we should make quite the Mainland-elect of the virginity, or Schopenhauer, the occasional lover, if not the hooker-masturbation or stubborn but nothing apesadillar the nightmare.

In this case, as in many others, Cioran not practiced what he theorized. Maybe give the nail Pessoa noting that the poet is a pretender.

One last question more personal. What are your other authors of head and why?

Ugh, enough, and sometimes called the header are not as important as the casual. To make a biographical account, go from past to present. In my teenage years was crucial Camus's The Stranger. I still dream of him, Meursault. Then Fall, Camus also. And plague. And his essays. Needless to say, so was Sartre, with Nausea and plays. Of course, Nietzsche, Nietzsche always. Beckett, novels and drama. Pessoa, all of it, including cigarettes and wine. Julio Ramón Ribeyro book title has a chilling (and cioraniano) Temptation of failure. The content is more so. Another work-title-is unfortunate blinded windows of Jewish-Romanian-English Alexandre Vona, which I reread every time I find a new novel. Adkilsen Norwegian and the Austrian Thomas Bernhard, are quite similar in their chichorrerías. English novelist Juan Benet. And Heidegger!

I have not been arguing the whys of each of the above because all breathe an unmistakable family resemblance "with the nuances relevant missing. Hanrahan, a poet, dramatize, analyze ... our finitude, our poverty and our loneliness. His characters, poems or situations are me, my time, very familiar. I see myself in them, are my surrogate and help me see myself more clear. And give me comfort: There are others, I say to read them, like me pointing these fictional characters to their creators. And I feel some heat. Maybe it's the heat of that Hell is other people. But are there. Up appears to be no one there. Or at least do not answer.

Like Claudio Rodríguez. A lot. But I do not understand why.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pro And Con On Legalize Sale Of Human Organ

Breviary of the vanquished

"Do I have to give thanks to the reason why I am still and find my way in world affairs? Perhaps it too. But in the end. Do men? What appearances? Neither others have been present when this was not . I always helped after.

But uprooting the world when penetrating the Latin Quarter and you were with your exile in tow among many Ahasverus, dragged them out where does the strength to endure the bloody heart easements and the hum of solitude in a fog dreamer of the boulevards? Has been on the Boulevard Saint-Michel a foreigner more You and the alien that any bitch or a beggar you more enjoyment has been sucked her cheap perfume?

"Just as outsiders Hispanic, African or Asian decadent Rome savoring the twilight of culture in the confusion of the systems and religions, and devoid of ideals, rejoice at the doubts of the City, and you wander , disappointed, during the twilight of the City of Light [...].

"The streets breathe the air vacuum aurora sunset and you make up or not want to recognize that you also participate in the decline of the city. And then you rise, by an act of will, above it. And you want save. Who or what can help in the City?

"Nothing, nothing helped me. And had it not been for my long reach of Concerto for Two Violins by Bach, how often would not have ended? I owe him being yet. In the immense gravity painful and I swung out of the earth, heaven, senses, thoughts, all down to me and comforts, as if by magic, was once again drunk with gratitude. Why? For everything and anything. Because in that long is a tenderness for all, hence the estremecimento reaches its perfection within perfection of nothingness.

"No book I held in the area of \u200b\u200bteaching, I kept no belief, no memory strengthened me. And when the houses were lost in blue haze, when northern and desert, the Luxembourg in mid-winter swim in the frost and damp moldy bones and thoughts away from this, I was enthralled in the middle of the city. Then I rushed to the anguish source of consolation and disappeared and revived in the arms of noise absence. "

EM Cioran

- EM Cioran: Breviary of the vanquished. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTusquets, 1993. Translated from Romanian by Joaquín Garrigues.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Hacked Sidekick Lx Sim Card

Source: v = hgLrOR3eung

Friday, August 28, 2009

Hair Highlights Half Head


On Wednesday August 26 at 10 and 29 in the morning, appeared to pitch the last booster Dalla Costa ...

... Ta here! Http://

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sanyo Pro 700 To Computer

there they are, about to kick off. They are the novelty of people talking about them.
steel-toed Boots, boulder caps. The team primal initial madness.
recognize a few. Are Maxi, Martin, Palacios, Javier. Julian and David smiling. The rest know who shared madness Deportivo founding Dalla Costa.
are the founding fathers, who put the colors up and come up today. Health champions!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Text Message Log, Sprint

[...] " How was your daily life?, what he liked to do?

"He loved to walk. Walking represented a kind of therapy for him. He hits sudden depression, anxiety, and the only way out of them was to write, read or stroll at any time of day or night. He liked to walk in the park in Luxembourg. [...] I, at night, not with him. I was sleeping at home. After dinner, put on his coat and said, "tomorrow". " SIMONE

- Carlos Cañeque & Maite Grau: Cioran: the seductive pessimistic. Barcelona, Sirpa, 2007, p. 86th

Friday, June 12, 2009

Revelon Skinlights Peach

Courses Blason Blazon Studio 2009! Homenaje a Carlos Meglia

Check ! Get ready to come also workshops for artists grosos!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Susten 300 For Progesterone

Dalla Dalla Things Things 2

second installment completes the saga dallacosteana, at least to collect more images.

This "reporter" to thank for the space, and at the same ceremony, declared on holiday, but not before remembering the addresses for those willing to take the post:
maximilianorperalta @ hotmail. com

The holiday return more videito.
Arrivederci! Maxi

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Indian Satellite Frequency

My love ... Why meet so early on Saturdays? Why do they always come back very late? How long does a game of you?? Tell me something ... What they do?

question certainly reasonable, but after a while away (even remind you of the party, not you stay at home!), What a sample of the variety of issues including the work dallacosteana:


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Where To Buy Littmann Stethoscopes In Chicago

The sublimation Climbing

The DDC does not tire of making controversial stories. And, true to their oath, there's Affairs to gather, to socialize, so they can be resignified and generate, finally, the long awaited social reintegration.
The topic was public knowledge, someone who was moving to another, and there were two whatsoever. We all licked. "What's going to be that dept!". Holidays are predicted records of all kinds. Until someone received a gift dept., and the other ... anyway. Now it's back history. So the public AI because AI shows, or shows. And it seems to have had a happy ending.
But before feeding the morbid, we need an introduction.

Now, the actual history. What the players said. The so-called "whoring". All that people like him, but AI at the moment can not get published because just a promise of payment. AI expected to comply. The people no.

Until next time ... Or not.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Inspiring Quotes For Latinos


Urged words because we were new, and what is said is aimed at the smallness. We are the most accurate cardiography, the eye always receive compote in the center, the throats of Serrat, Baglieto, Pablo Milanes ... Héctor Alterio's face to the dilemma of Martin Santomé and Picchio smile for the preceding spring and winter.
commitment, robustness, the consequence, reporting and self-reporting. The freedom to shake off the last "official" and not get tired of the Night. We
The truce
Heart shell
I do not ask
The cold formal
Good Men
darkness looking ... Moods
The south also exists
The other I
The sex of angels

Just to name some. It remains
Mario Benedetti. And we always will. But on this day, urging words all come, but come lutando.

On the day of his death, Dalla Costa homage to the poet, in gratitude for having used a thousand times his words, yet have known.

Friday, May 15, 2009

How To Repair Tally Memory Access Violation Error

WORDS Aerosoles "or gods? SPONSORS

saw how similar the Raid Home Fritolín the plants?? I checked and checked most profound learning: with pain. To a boiling plate, ready to receive a pair of chops, I make the mistake.
Today I can talk openly (and without eyebrows) abrasive power of the great matador of Johnson. Therapy emerged as the most likely cause distraction. And after a regression to the trauma, I could identify the object distractor: a voice on the radio that meant that if something goes well, let's say you put zumuva. Bastards! I said when I heard it, and the "whore" was more heated as the blaze reached me. Recovered
once calm (and flexibility sores), I thought. For he was angry that the project Fontanarrosa takes more than a month into the air, and orange fanta. I've been thinking that the call was not good, that probably all have art to give, but perhaps not offered the means that best motivates them. I thought, well, something individual and will represent our feelings artistically, but would that the book of Dalla Costa?
In all this was when the Messiah came in aerosol. The reflections that lead nowhere, also called mental straws, kills it dead.
last few days I'm sober. Under the "just for today." But I managed not to draw more in disposable paper. While therapy also revealed that I have to draw eyebrows on the brow ridges.
And all this is sustained by Dalla Costa, course. Because despite the media blitz, none of us made the game to attempt mental rape, invasion hypnotic, the reverend's zumuva bullshit.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Goof Off Stainless Steel

Following the announcement that Hugo Moyano you do to these kids ("they are calves Peronist" he said) to follow the officer in 10 events for $ 300 and a crankshaft of Bedford ' 68, there was a flood of opinions, from "if you recognize me kill me" to "Get the crank on the o. .." In the epilogue of the situation, the boys were two things:
1 - $ 1800 had tasted for the club, from left ethics.
2 - arises the idea of \u200b\u200bsponsorship dallacosteana.
With the impending purchase of shirts, spread the idea to rest upon presentation models costumes by Gimeno. The players watched the very good pictures and thought "it takes a certain sensibility," then looked at Gimeno chewing turf and future rivals whoring ... but the fact is that San Juan had four designs and chose one with a long history alchemist in his motives.
now came the big question. Who will be sponsorizar?. No! Rolo cried, or UNICEF or anyone! Idea somewhat weathered, but if nobody gets the money, to paint these six letters does not cost much more and we would be the height of Barça!
proposals that followed showed that this is a very distant economics. The important thing is that the issue was turning in the heads dallacosteanas, and as the days passed, some went propuestitas receiving.
"whiskey PENELOPE"
an archer's friend said he would talk to his boss. The keeper said "T-shirts can pay directly or otherwise, extending drinks."
emerged the motion to speak to the politician, given the eagerness of votes of the moment, and that the concept behind your campaign is in eggs, as dallacosteano battle cry. Trumpet already have to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe TV spot.
"Verdulería Marita"
Friend of a defender, Mario "Marito" Bring the shovel is gathering in its policy low price (of course, also 90% of what it sells is stolen from orchards in the interior, but good). He proposes
Dalla Costa sponsorizar their shirts with the following conditions:
- In the chest: Marito vegetable store. "
- On the back: up, a product, then the number preceded by a $, and that is the price. Martin for example is the player "AVOCADO."
- is respected team name on the lower back, as usual.
Anyway, expect more proposals (especially a viable!) For the coming days ... the fabric is already bought!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Homemade Dirt Bike Cakes

So no, boys! The club incorporates professional

And yes. Fontanarrosa Project began to move the nest. And as I said a diaphanous the late afternoon Caracciolo, a professional builder, "look gringo, as is the lime, is the sand." Phrase that I not only problematized the very existence, but I paradojeó head when I heard that the two, the bad news was the lime. In my naivete was associated white racist good, but the one-eyed clarito Caracciolo left me: "if I had entered sand instead of lime, I would say certainly not one-eyed, gringazo friend ... come, go, find me the jug that I can leave the work alone. "

But enough philosophy for a while, appeared to say that the lime in the project. Why take out our eyes? No sir, to learn to mix. So, without further pretáforas or metámbulos, I leave you with what surely will not be part of the book, but if even the Bible is apocryphal gospels, why not take care of us?

And I tell you more, put not to give a few pages!

Title: "With Uterine h"
Author (pseudonym): Mamadou Diarra
Genre: Poetry asphalt

Oh! Claudia, the blog comments,
without never contribute anything,

histeriqueadas only our friend Trumpet,
shut your mug and ask for your phone, you'll
going to give you
and feel healthy:
not going to be looking forward
to sit down and discuss. Observing

jury too light.

Title: "Lacan and fine whores"
Author: Fox chenilles
Gender: Riddle

Dalla Costa's see who knows as much: What
share a Lacanian analyst and a fine bitch ? Both
charge you expensive!
And what is the difference?
With the whore, the time is 60 minutes! Observing

jury: This is the famous joke "Academy Awards" internal bad.

Title: "I give"
Author: Garden Bosteao
Gender: Pyrope unfortunate

For your smile, this flower
for your look, this kiss,
for your perfume, my love,
for your c. .. $ 5 .- Observing

jury verdict
women: What misplaced! How low!
male Verdict: What a great price!


Monday, April 27, 2009

Free Raven Riley Streaming


about every six months, not every six years, crazy! He said at my dental history, and took the strain to ask about the relationship with Andrew.
just started to tell the team that bears his name, jumped in "you are the blog !"... Lucas is

Salta, Santa Fe and relatives recognized her family loses track. Was to find better. Is Professor of Surgery 3, of Dentistry, UNC, he likes football and even made him want to see, a weekend, the team that bears his name and is ever met online when he placed his name in Google.

The guy is a follower of our blogs, and probably in some back to their homeland, about bouncing jug matches the side of the road to Inter, who are aware of the Cheche.

will not have trainer or physical therapist, but in an intersection is complicated by the dining room, Dalla Costa has its own dentist ... Tomá!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Uhaul Hitch For Jeep Liberty

Put egg Dalla Costa and go to the front!

Pardo Martín Hernán Guglielmone driving and pointing to the target. An image that is repeated in Dalla Costa is going increasingly to the front.

striker petty no nothing, so we took advantage of an interim between the Malbec and ribs, to shoot at close range.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What Happens If I Swallow A Fishbone


The Department of Internal Affairs reports that Deportivo Dalla Costa is open registration to the kiosk researchers and collector of bribes. The first, to get professionals to assist in straightening the corrupt places on campus, and second, to receive cash from those who do not want to go out on TV. Money will go to his own rehabilitation. If all goes back when need it most, we will again ...

The kiosk awaits: Http://

Love also:

Friday, April 17, 2009

Study Abroad Letters Of Reccommendation

Within the last special election, were defined Deportivo officials Dalla Costa for the next period. The Museum is pleased to present the "pictures".

Anticorruption Secretariat

Technical and
Institutional Sales Bolsters

Hungarian Embassy

Public Relations and Private

Bocce Committee

Protocol, Ceremonial and
Sale Panchos


Addiction Prevention

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Best Reit Investments

OFFICIALS PROJECT Fontanarrosa BLACK "Dalla Dalla Dalla

Bongiorno girl!
First let's review the ephemeris:
July 20: the U.S. lands in the Arizona desert: Fraud Intenational Day.
July 19: Death of Roberto Fontanarrosa: Friendship Day.

The dallacosteano celebrated on 19, and as his Marxism is subject to the fun, not petty party to 20 and, if possible, follow the 21 watch the carnival and the wolf.
On 22 wakes up, showers, seeks migral (if it is made, the better), and as he stares the kettle waiting for a bubble, remember the party in a retrospective that takes in the beginning, football.
And things happen, "we must escribnir!", Reviews goals, hugs goal, third beat, feasts at discos, booties, "how cute" he says when the memories are many, if not speak it invades, it flood. Pute
to a kettle that takes several minutes of boiling, and is sometimes called Cheche, and writes to a certain Juli, Quique, Maxi ... "we must write."

Thus emerged what today is called an irresistibly: THE BOOK.
The Museum is pleased to invite all dallacosteano you feel like sharing some production that just hit the bow. Of tip, taco or three fingers. Story, short story, poetry, phrase, sayings, photo, drawing, music, dance, video, joke, anecdote, collage ... Everything goes in the Book of Dalla Costa, and if you have more than one piece to send, the better. Single slogan: relationship with football, friendship, or both. That is, the motto Fontanarrosa. Via
: if writing to Julian mail, Maxi or Checho.
Other productions: writing to them and sent a delibery.
last date for receipt of papers: July 19, 2009.
Presentation of the book under the 3rd Party Dalla Costa, there where they join the birthday of Santi and Gordo, where December is 7 and always will be the eve of a holiday! And ring idols like this: