Sunday, May 31, 2009

Indian Satellite Frequency

My love ... Why meet so early on Saturdays? Why do they always come back very late? How long does a game of you?? Tell me something ... What they do?

question certainly reasonable, but after a while away (even remind you of the party, not you stay at home!), What a sample of the variety of issues including the work dallacosteana:


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Where To Buy Littmann Stethoscopes In Chicago

The sublimation Climbing

The DDC does not tire of making controversial stories. And, true to their oath, there's Affairs to gather, to socialize, so they can be resignified and generate, finally, the long awaited social reintegration.
The topic was public knowledge, someone who was moving to another, and there were two whatsoever. We all licked. "What's going to be that dept!". Holidays are predicted records of all kinds. Until someone received a gift dept., and the other ... anyway. Now it's back history. So the public AI because AI shows, or shows. And it seems to have had a happy ending.
But before feeding the morbid, we need an introduction.

Now, the actual history. What the players said. The so-called "whoring". All that people like him, but AI at the moment can not get published because just a promise of payment. AI expected to comply. The people no.

Until next time ... Or not.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Inspiring Quotes For Latinos


Urged words because we were new, and what is said is aimed at the smallness. We are the most accurate cardiography, the eye always receive compote in the center, the throats of Serrat, Baglieto, Pablo Milanes ... Héctor Alterio's face to the dilemma of Martin Santomé and Picchio smile for the preceding spring and winter.
commitment, robustness, the consequence, reporting and self-reporting. The freedom to shake off the last "official" and not get tired of the Night. We
The truce
Heart shell
I do not ask
The cold formal
Good Men
darkness looking ... Moods
The south also exists
The other I
The sex of angels

Just to name some. It remains
Mario Benedetti. And we always will. But on this day, urging words all come, but come lutando.

On the day of his death, Dalla Costa homage to the poet, in gratitude for having used a thousand times his words, yet have known.

Friday, May 15, 2009

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WORDS Aerosoles "or gods? SPONSORS

saw how similar the Raid Home Fritolín the plants?? I checked and checked most profound learning: with pain. To a boiling plate, ready to receive a pair of chops, I make the mistake.
Today I can talk openly (and without eyebrows) abrasive power of the great matador of Johnson. Therapy emerged as the most likely cause distraction. And after a regression to the trauma, I could identify the object distractor: a voice on the radio that meant that if something goes well, let's say you put zumuva. Bastards! I said when I heard it, and the "whore" was more heated as the blaze reached me. Recovered
once calm (and flexibility sores), I thought. For he was angry that the project Fontanarrosa takes more than a month into the air, and orange fanta. I've been thinking that the call was not good, that probably all have art to give, but perhaps not offered the means that best motivates them. I thought, well, something individual and will represent our feelings artistically, but would that the book of Dalla Costa?
In all this was when the Messiah came in aerosol. The reflections that lead nowhere, also called mental straws, kills it dead.
last few days I'm sober. Under the "just for today." But I managed not to draw more in disposable paper. While therapy also revealed that I have to draw eyebrows on the brow ridges.
And all this is sustained by Dalla Costa, course. Because despite the media blitz, none of us made the game to attempt mental rape, invasion hypnotic, the reverend's zumuva bullshit.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Goof Off Stainless Steel

Following the announcement that Hugo Moyano you do to these kids ("they are calves Peronist" he said) to follow the officer in 10 events for $ 300 and a crankshaft of Bedford ' 68, there was a flood of opinions, from "if you recognize me kill me" to "Get the crank on the o. .." In the epilogue of the situation, the boys were two things:
1 - $ 1800 had tasted for the club, from left ethics.
2 - arises the idea of \u200b\u200bsponsorship dallacosteana.
With the impending purchase of shirts, spread the idea to rest upon presentation models costumes by Gimeno. The players watched the very good pictures and thought "it takes a certain sensibility," then looked at Gimeno chewing turf and future rivals whoring ... but the fact is that San Juan had four designs and chose one with a long history alchemist in his motives.
now came the big question. Who will be sponsorizar?. No! Rolo cried, or UNICEF or anyone! Idea somewhat weathered, but if nobody gets the money, to paint these six letters does not cost much more and we would be the height of Barça!
proposals that followed showed that this is a very distant economics. The important thing is that the issue was turning in the heads dallacosteanas, and as the days passed, some went propuestitas receiving.
"whiskey PENELOPE"
an archer's friend said he would talk to his boss. The keeper said "T-shirts can pay directly or otherwise, extending drinks."
emerged the motion to speak to the politician, given the eagerness of votes of the moment, and that the concept behind your campaign is in eggs, as dallacosteano battle cry. Trumpet already have to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe TV spot.
"Verdulería Marita"
Friend of a defender, Mario "Marito" Bring the shovel is gathering in its policy low price (of course, also 90% of what it sells is stolen from orchards in the interior, but good). He proposes
Dalla Costa sponsorizar their shirts with the following conditions:
- In the chest: Marito vegetable store. "
- On the back: up, a product, then the number preceded by a $, and that is the price. Martin for example is the player "AVOCADO."
- is respected team name on the lower back, as usual.
Anyway, expect more proposals (especially a viable!) For the coming days ... the fabric is already bought!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Homemade Dirt Bike Cakes

So no, boys! The club incorporates professional

And yes. Fontanarrosa Project began to move the nest. And as I said a diaphanous the late afternoon Caracciolo, a professional builder, "look gringo, as is the lime, is the sand." Phrase that I not only problematized the very existence, but I paradojeó head when I heard that the two, the bad news was the lime. In my naivete was associated white racist good, but the one-eyed clarito Caracciolo left me: "if I had entered sand instead of lime, I would say certainly not one-eyed, gringazo friend ... come, go, find me the jug that I can leave the work alone. "

But enough philosophy for a while, appeared to say that the lime in the project. Why take out our eyes? No sir, to learn to mix. So, without further pretáforas or metámbulos, I leave you with what surely will not be part of the book, but if even the Bible is apocryphal gospels, why not take care of us?

And I tell you more, put not to give a few pages!

Title: "With Uterine h"
Author (pseudonym): Mamadou Diarra
Genre: Poetry asphalt

Oh! Claudia, the blog comments,
without never contribute anything,

histeriqueadas only our friend Trumpet,
shut your mug and ask for your phone, you'll
going to give you
and feel healthy:
not going to be looking forward
to sit down and discuss. Observing

jury too light.

Title: "Lacan and fine whores"
Author: Fox chenilles
Gender: Riddle

Dalla Costa's see who knows as much: What
share a Lacanian analyst and a fine bitch ? Both
charge you expensive!
And what is the difference?
With the whore, the time is 60 minutes! Observing

jury: This is the famous joke "Academy Awards" internal bad.

Title: "I give"
Author: Garden Bosteao
Gender: Pyrope unfortunate

For your smile, this flower
for your look, this kiss,
for your perfume, my love,
for your c. .. $ 5 .- Observing

jury verdict
women: What misplaced! How low!
male Verdict: What a great price!
