Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Community Service Veification Letter


Crest Studio is proud to present a series of seminars by great masters of comic and illustration.
The first seminar is by the great Carlos Meglia, friend of the family, wide illustrator international experience ( Blog::: ) taught us the secrets of comics, animation and illustration. Vacancies
limited, begins in May, more info: 221-4230399 - mail:

Bright Red Soles Of Feet Baby

digital color courses, programs and web design courses

Daytona Timberline M/t


illustration and cartoon courses for children and adults, beginners or advanced. Several times
consult. Later
will schedule grid. During
see drawing bases at different levels, anatomy, perspective, composition, backgrounds, movements, character design, ink, color, cartoon, illustration, artwork, script, animation principles, etc.
always changing styles so that each student find yours and develop.
Prompt for refresher course for advanced students. Vacancies
Contact: 221-4230399 - mail:

The hope! Wally Gomez